Terms and Conditions
The Owner(s)/Officer(s) and Merchant identified above (individually, an “Applicant”) each represents,acknowledges, and agrees that (1) Applicant will immediately notify Fund-Ex Solutions Group, LLC (“FSG”) of anychange in the information or documents provided to FSG in connection herewith or Applicant’s financial condition,(2) each Assignee (as such term is defined in item (5) below) will rely upon the accuracy andcompleteness of such information and documents, (3) FSG, Assignees, and each of their representatives, successors,assigns and Designees (collectively, “Recipients) are authorized to request and receive any investigative reports,credit reports, statements from creditors or financial institutions, verification of or omission relating to therequesting, receiving or release of information, (5) Applicant authorized FSG to disclose allinformation and documents that FSG may obtain including credit reports to other personal, affiliates, partners orentities (collectively, “Assignees”) that may purchase FSG referral lists and/or marketing databases or beinvolved with or acquire FSG commercial loans, commercial loans having daily repayment features, and/or MerchantCash Advance transactions, including without limitation the application therefore (collectively,“Transactions”) and each Assignee is authorized to use such information and documents, and share such informationand documents with other Assignees, in connection with potential Transactions, (6) all information and documentsprovided to FSG including credit card processor statements are true, accurate and complete, and (7) eachOwner/Officer represents that he or she is authorized to sign this form on behalf of Merchant